Wednesday, March 2, 2011

the big 2

my sweet kingston thomas turned 2 on february 20.  we celebrated with friends and family at children's museum at the dallas museum of nature and science and had a BLAST! we had a great turnout of kingston's classmates, friends, cousins and family.  it's hard to believe that my little lovebug is 2...i can still remember so vividly the days leading up to his birth.  the excitement, the consuming of an ENTIRE bag of reese's peanut butter cups the night before, the gentle contractions that woke me up that turned into waves of pain in a few short hours, our parents coming into town from Texas to be there with us, and the fear when Kingston was not given to me to hold after he was born.  Afterward that was a scary week for us, but it all worked out and we have a beautiful, loving, smart and funny 2 year old today. :)
thanks to one of my best friends alecia for taking some pictures for me!
the BIG 2 year old
anna & kane
king & his auntie lesha
riding through the "farm"
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getting after the cake

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! You two have always been the cutest!! Looks like he enjoyed his cake. Haha!
