texas weather is as unpredictable as it gets. this past weekend we were at the park both saturday and sunday under sunny skies and near 70 degree temps. monday was a little more winter-like and the temperatures dropped some, but tuesday, we awoke to a layer of ice on
everything. schools closed all over the dfw metroplex. and kingston's montessori school closes with richardson isd so, we stayed home. it was a fun day...we colored, painted with watercolors, read books, watched "finding nemo" and cleaned up around the house. it was a nice surprise to have the day off. then, at 4:30 we check the risd website and lo and behold, schools are closed again since the temperatures never broke 18 degrees thus not melting the ice. ok...another day off. well, sort of. my boss asked me to come in if i felt comfortable to make a deposit and try and reschedule some patients. so wednesday morning king and i packed up and headed to the office (which is about 9 miles away) and it took almost an hour to get there. in hindsight, i shouldn't have gone. schools were closed for a reason. but, we made it and i worked for a couple hours while kingston colored and watched "cars" on the laptop. we stopped by the grocery store since we were out, we came home, kingston took a nap, he got up, we played and then checked the risd website again at around 4:30 and no way- no school again thursday! whoa. at this point i needed to get a game plan for the next day. thank goodness i had gone to get more food options (& wine!) the day before because i was not interested in driving (sliding) again. thursday i woke up and kept us busy pretty much all day. we colored, did macaroni art, played trains, made and decorated sugar cookies and watched "madagascar" aka "animals" as kingston calls it. i felt good. I wore that kid out and we had fun doing it. it was starting to feel like last february when we had the big snowstorm. i wasn't working then and i started to reminisce about staying home with kingston for those 7 months. again, around 4:30 i checked the risd website- and no update. i thought- well maybe we go back to school/work on friday. no big deal. but, then, i checked the weather... 70% chance of snow overnight. eek. at 6 pm, they called school off again on friday. wow!!! nuts. so.............. we awoke this morning to a beautiful 5 inches of snow on the ground. and, it snowed for most of the day. in fact, while kingston napped, for about 30 minutes, i just sat and watched as what looked like big pieces of lace drifted from the sky. here are some pictures from our days at home...
the dinosaur collection gets a lot of love |
reading together |
books we read in 1 hour...have i mentioned kingston LOVES books? |
watching the snow fall |
time to check it out |
I love everything about this post. LOVE. The weather you guys had. The stack of books. The SNOW!! You're reminding me of what I set out to do with my blog...capture all of the little things I want to remember forever. I've gotten so used to using my phone for pictures that I've neglected my camera. Fixing that immediately!